High quality products

Strip Wax
I use Moo Strip Wax which has a fantastic aroma, kind a gentle to sensitive skin.
I use cotton strips when removing the wax. I find this material is nice and flexible when applying on to the leg before removing the hairs.
I recommend at least 4 weeks growth to achieve the best removal of hair.
For sensitive skins prone to allergies I highly recommend a patch test.
First time waxer, I advise you not to try just before a special occasion or holiday just encase you were to react which is not common but always possible.

Hot Wax
Hot wax by Mooeys is fantastic for the more sensitive areas of the body. In particular the Brazilian, Hollywood, upper lip and chin wax.
This wax self-sets and is removed by gently taking the product its self and then removing in a similar motion to the cotton wax strip.
Each application is disposed of with fresh wax applied each time.
This is also fantastic for Brow shapes combined with Threading and Tweezers for the perfect Brow.
I have been doing the Brazilian and Hollywood waxing since 2003 and you will find that I do the true Brazilian style wax with the appropriate hot wax for the delicate area. I cannot tell you how many times I have had clients tell me that their previous experience was either painful or not done as thorough.
I take pride in all of my treatments, particularly focusing on those hard to reach ingrowing hairs, when waxing.
Brazilians and Hollywood’s are generally done without your lower underwear on. If preferred I can do this with them left on but would advise a thong or high knickers of your own that you would not mind small amounts of wax going on them, alternatively I can provide paper thong knickers.